
Televisit is one of the new services developed by ProKardia to meet the needs of all patients.
Technology nowadays allows us to break down distances, ensuring the possibility of a medical consultation from the comfort of your own home through a secure channel, and sharing clinical documents.
ProKardia selects the worldwide best specialists to ensure that everyone can benefit from high quality clinical assistance.

The 5 phases of televisit process

The televisit process consists of five simple phases:
  1. Book the televisit
  2. Make payment: it can be done easily online at the time of booking
  3. Log in to your private area: you will receive an email with simple instructions and the link to access it
  4. Make the televisit on the day of the reservation<
  5. Download the report

For reservations, please contact us:
  • at the telephone number +39 0382314503 (from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 12:00 and 14:30 to 19:00)
  • through our online booking system Click here to book a televisit